Sarah’s Jester Looking Out For Me

DOB 01/07/21

Jester has found a new home where he gets pup cups every day!
Jester is a Red Tri AKC registered Australian Shepherd. (AKC name is Sarah’s Jester Looking Out For Me) Jester is a Journee/Gunner baby that I kept and has such an amazing personality! He is a momma’s boy and loves giving hugs. He is very playful and likes to socialize with all his friends that come to train with us. He’s a big boy at 60 some pounds! But really he’s just a big baby needing all the attention he can get! He’s super smart and in training to be a service dog.

Jester’s Mom ~ Sarah’s Journee Don’t Stop Believin’ CGC TKI SPOT (Black Tri)

Jester’s Dad ~ Sarah’s Guns n Roses Have a Little Patience (Red Merle)